Urologists Explore AI for Prostate Cancer Detection and the Effects of Prostate Cancer on Female Partners

Reno, Nevada (UroToday.com) -- Researchers will be presenting these prostate cancer study findings at the 118th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Urological Association. Jacob Taylor, MD, assistant instructor in the Division of Urology at UT Southwestern Medical, will moderate a virtual press session featuring the following two abstracts.

  • Indrani Bhattacharya, PhD, from Stanford University, developed an artificial intelligence (AI) model to rapidly and accurately identify cancer foci on MRI and compare its performance against radiologists. “Detection of Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer on MRI: A comparison of an Artificial Intelligence model versus Radiologists.”
  • Natasha Gupta, MD, from New York University, performed a qualitative study to characterize female partners’ sexual health concerns and unmet needs. “Understanding the Sexual Health Concerns and Needs of Female Partners of Prostate Cancer Survivors.”
"Prostate cancer remains the most common cancer in men, with 1 in 8 being affected at some point in their lifetime. This session will focus on a diverse range of presentations that highlight unique areas within prostate cancer research,” said Dr. Taylor. “We will discuss advances in cancer detection using artificial intelligence and sexual health concerns and needs of female partners of prostate cancer survivors. Our goal is to learn more about emerging research areas in prostate cancer that have great potential to impact prostate cancer care in the near future."
Source: American Urological Association. (2023). Urologists Explore AI for Prostate Cancer Detection and the Effects of Prostate Cancer on Female Partners [Press release]. https://auanet.mediaroom.com/2023-04-28-Urologists-Explore-AI-for-Prostate-Cancer-Detection-and-the-Effects-of-Prostate-Cancer-on-Female-Partners.