ASCO 2020 VL

OMNIVORE: Optimized Management of Nivolumab and Ipilimumab in Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma - Rana McKay

It is unknown what the optimal duration of nivolumab maintenance is to sustain disease control and what the response rate to single-agent nivolumab is for treatment naïve patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC). OMNIVORE a response-based phase II study seeks to help answer some of these questions. This study enrolled patients with treatment-naïve or previously treated advanced RCC (aR...

KEYNOTE-426: Pembrolizumab plus Axitinib versus Sunitinib as First-Line Therapy for Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) - Brian Rini

Brian Rini joins Charles Ryan to discuss frontline therapy in kidney cancer, specifically focusing on the recent updates on the combination of axitinib and pembrolizumab in the Keynote-426 data. KEYNOTE-426 study, which is at the two-year mark of followup, is a randomized, open-label, phase 3 study that demonstrated that pembrolizumab (pembro) + axitinib (axi) significantly improved overall surviv...

ARAMIS Trial: Darolutamide Demonstrates Improved Overall Survival in Nonmetastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (nmCRPC) - Fred Saad

Fred Saad provides his perspective on the newest ARAMIS trial results, presented at ASCO 2020. Results from the phase III androgen receptor inhibiting agent for metastatic-free survival (ARAMIS) trial that investigated darolutamide in men with non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (nmCRPC) showed a significant improvement in delaying the time to death in patients receiving darolutami...

CONDOR: Study of 18F-DCFPyL PET/CT Imaging in Patients with Suspected Recurrence of Prostate Cancer - Michael J. Morris

Michael Morris, Oliver Sartor, and Alicia Morgans discuss the CONDOR study, the second of two prospective clinical trials designed in collaboration with the FDA to demonstrate the diagnostic performance of PyL in patients with biochemically recurrent prostate cancer. Correct localization rate (CLR), or the positive predictive value of the PyL scan, was established as the primary endpoint and the C...

68Ga-PSMA PET: A Novel Imaging Technique Prior to Radical Prostatectomy in Men with Intermediate or High Risk Prostate Cancer - Thomas Hope

In conversation with Charles Ryan, Thomas Hope details the prospective, multicenter single-arm open-label phase 3 imaging trial evaluating the accuracy of 68Ga-PSMA-11 for pelvic nodal metastasis detection prior to radical prostatectomy or definitive treatment and pelvic lymph node dissection. Between UCLA and UCSF 277 patients went through prospective imaging. When comparing these patients to nod...