Erectile Dysfunction

Sexual Dysfunction in Men with Prediabetes.

Previous studies have shown a strong association between diabetes mellitus (DM) and the frequency and severity of some aspects of male sexual dysfunction (SD). The same relationship with prediabetes (preDM) has been less well investigated.

Erectile Dysfunction: An Umbrella Review of Meta-Analyses of Risk-Factors, Treatment, and Prevalence Outcomes.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a major health care problem that has implications for quality of life.

This umbrella review sought to synthesize all meta-analytic research on risk factors, treatment, and prevalence of ED.

Tighter Blood Pressure Control Is Associated with Lower Incidence of Erectile Dysfunction in Hypertensive Men.

Tighter blood pressure control is widely thought to be associated with better erectile function, although the preponderance of data is limited to dichotomous representations of hypertension without an attempt to look at degree of blood pressure control.

The incidence proportion of erectile dysfunction in patients treated with cryotherapy for prostate cancer: a meta-analysis.

With the maturity of cryotherapy for prostate cancer, the complications after operation are also decreasing, which can improve the prognosis of patients. However, erectile dysfunction (ED) is still one of the main complications after cryotherapy.

Mount Sinai Researchers Use Imaging to Detect Link Between Atherosclerosis and Erectile Dysfunction in Multi-Center Study

San Francisco, CA USA ( -- For the first time, researchers have used advanced imaging of penile arteries to show a link between atherosclerosis and erectile dysfunction (ED). 

Why the Research Is Interesting:  Atherosclerosis has been linked to causing ED in the majority of patients with this cardiovascular condition, but researchers have not had the means of demonstrating atherosclerosis in penile arteries.  This first-of-its-kind study uses advanced imaging to detect how strong the association actually is.

Should Low-intensity Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy Be the First-line Erectile Dysfunction Treatment for Nonresponders to Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Inhibition?

Some trials have shown an overall benefit of low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy (LI-ESWT) for erectile dysfunction, while others have been unable to find differences between LI-ESWT and sham treatment.

Dose to the penile bulb and individual patient anatomy are predictive of erectile dysfunction in men treated with 125I low dose rate brachytherapy for localized prostate cancer.

To evaluate the occurrence of erectile dysfunction at 3 years (3yED) after prostate brachytherapy (BT) and to predict 3yED after treatment based on patients and treatments characteristics.

From September 2007 to July 2015, 117 men with mild or no ED [International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5) > 16] underwent 125Iodine real-time ultrasound-guided low-dose rate BT to a total dose of 160 Gy for low-risk or favorable intermediate-risk prostate adenocarcinoma, and were followed prospectively during 3 years.

The Quality of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses in Erectile Dysfunction Treatment and Management Published in the Sexual Medicine Literature.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common medical condition that requires high-quality evidence to guide clinical practice; however, systematic reviews (SRs) and meta-analyses (MAs) often vary in quality, raising concerns regarding the validity of their results.

Potential for Long-Term Benefit of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as an Adjunct Treatment for Men with Erectile Dysfunction.

Psychosexual counseling may enhance sexual performance outcomes in men with erectile dysfunction (ED) treated with a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor.

To determine the potential long-term effects of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) on Pakistani men with ED who had undergone treatment with a PDE5 inhibitor (PDE5i).

Low-intensity Shock Wave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction and the Influence of Disease Duration - Beyond the Abstract

Erectile dysfunction is a widely prevalent condition and efforts have been made in order to find a successful treatment. LiSWT is now a hot topic in this setting due to its proven results in the treatment of ED, although the mechanism of action is not well understood, treatment protocols are not well defined and the best candidate it not well established.