Erectile Dysfunction

Prospective Patient Preferences for Humor in Urologists Treating Erectile Dysfunction: A Survey Study.

Men seeking treatment for sexual dysfunction can experience embarrassment as a result of stigma. This research manuscript presents the findings of a survey conducted to investigate the influence of humor on prospective patients' preferences when selecting a specialist to address erectile dysfunction (ED).

Doppler Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Erectile Dysfunction in a Northern Nigerian Tertiary Hospital.

Colour duplex Doppler is a noninvasive tool for the evaluation of the vascular mechanism of erectile dysfunction (ED). It can be used to determine the integrity of the vascular mechanism and to differentiate between arterial and venous insufficiency.

A review of the experimental methods and results of testing the mechanical properties of Tunica Albuginea.

The present work provides a comprehensive review of the literature on the mechanical properties and existing human tunica albuginea tissue testing methods. Assessments were completed on papers reporting experimental values of Young's modulus, tensile strength, puncture strength, stiffness, toughness, and strain at the ultimate tensile strength (UTS).

Risk and benefits of penile length preservation techniques during penile prosthesis implantation: a systematic review by the young academic urologists sexual and reproductive health working group.

Penile shortening, frequently resulting from end-stage Peyronie's disease (PD), has a negative impact on patients' sexual activity and overall quality of life, especially when accompanied by Erectile dysfunction (ED).

Which PDE5 inhibitor is the most effective in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men with spinal cord injury? A systematic review and network meta-analysis.

Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors (PDE5i) are the first-line drugs for erectile dysfunction (ED) but differences among available molecules should drive therapy personalization. Choosing one PDE5i over another is a challenge in men with spinal cord injury (SCI), as the evidence of efficacy for each molecule is derived from few studies and comparative "head-to-head" trials are lacking.

Exploring sexual function in adrenal insufficiency: findings from the Dual RElease hydrocortisone versus conventionAl glucocorticoid replaceMent therapy in hypocortisolism (DREAM) trial.

Data on sexual function in patients with adrenal insufficiency are scarce and largely controversial.

To investigate sexual dysfunction in patients with primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency and the effects of switching to once-daily dual-release hydrocortisone on sexual function in outcome assessors blinded, randomized, multicenter, active comparator clinical trial.

Men's views on causes and consequences of erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation in a primary care population: a qualitative study.

To explore men's views on the causes and consequences of two common sexual dysfunctions - erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation - and how this affects physical and mental health as well as social life and intimate or close relations.

Will you go the distance? A satisfaction survey of telemedicine in sexual medicine.

The success of telemedicine depends on patient satisfaction with the care that they receive, which is impacted by the ease of use of the technology, quality of the connection, and perceived effectiveness of care.

The value of audiovisual sexual stimulation with virtual reality in diagnosing erectile dysfunction.

The traditional audiovisual sexual stimulation (AVSS) test may experience limitations including low erectile response rate and lack of unified diagnostic criteria.

We aimed to explore the clinical value of AVSS with virtual reality (VR-AVSS) test in assessing erectile function and diagnosing erectile dysfunction (ED).

Major adverse cardiovascular events related to phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors: analysis of real-life data from Eudra-Vigilance database.

Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors (PDE5i) are the standard medical treatment for erectile dysfunction. Aim of our study was to evaluate the rate of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) reported during PDE5i treatment based on Eudra-Vigilance (EV) reports.