Efficacy and safety of continent anal urinary diversion for complicated bladder exstrophy in children by using modified Duhamel's procedure - Abstract

BACKGROUND: A high proportion of children with bladder exstrophy will continue to suffer from urinary incontinence and a miserable life even after a well-performed staged reconstruction in specialized centers.

Most of those children usually have a normal anal sphincter allowing construction of a neobladder from the rectum, so they are continent without an abdominal stoma, and do not require frequent catheterization, which greatly contribute to a favorable body image.

OBJECTIVE: In this study a modified Duhamel's rectal pouch done for 19 children, with implication of suitable stapler adopted to construct a rectal bladder with a non-refluxing urterorectostomy, there is a theoretical advantage in our procedure of avoiding a mix of urine and feces. All patients were followed for up to 6 years (2-8 years) for efficacy, safety, subsequent renal complications, and surveillance for any rectal neoplastic changes in this new diversion.

STUDY DESIGN: Assessment of electrolytes, acid base balance, and renal function were carried out regularly and all data were analyzed using the SPSS 9.0.1 statistical package and compared using a paired t test; data were considered significant if p < 0.05. Proctoscopy was performed 6 monthly in the first year then annually thereafter, and at any time if there was any rectal bleeding.

RESULTS: In this group of patients, follow-up revealed no neoplastic changes in the rectal bladder, deterioration in renal function, or major electrolytes disturbance. They can hold up to 400 mL (350-550 mL) of urine and all are continent during the daytime with an emptying frequency of 3-5 h; three patients had infrequent (4 episodes/month) nocturnal enuresis; and four cases developed pyelonephritis controlled with medical treatment.

CONCLUSION: The continent rectal bladder created by using the principles of the Duhamel pull-through is feasible, easy to perform, successful in the immediate short term with low complications after 6 years of follow-up and appropriately accepted by the children and their families with marked improvement in quality of life regarding continence; longer-term follow-up is requested to rule out rectal neoplastic changes. A comparative review of the complications, patient's acceptance, and longer-term follow-up with other well-known procedures, such as Mainz II, is required.

Written by:
Baky Fahmy MA, Al Shenawy AA, Shehata SM.   Are you the author?
Al Azher University, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Cairo, Egypt; National Institute of Urology, Cairo, Egypt; Alexandria University, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Egypt.  

Reference: J Pediatr Urol. 2015 Apr 24. pii: S1477-5131(15)00118-7.
doi: 10.1016/j.jpurol.2015.02.018

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 25964196

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