Our Experience in Long Term Neuroblockers in Overactive Bladder


Introduction and Objectives: To estimate possibilities of use of long term neuroblocker - Botulotoxine type A (BoNTA) (BOTOX®) at patients with an Overactive Bladder resistant to anticholinergics therapy.

Materials: Under supervision there were 15 patients, 11 women and 4 men (middle age: 56 years, a range: 45-67), with the diagnosis a Overactive Bladder by which it has been injected on 300 UI BTX type A in submucose of a posterior wall of a bladder. Efficiency was estimated according to stationary urodynamic monitoring, and also on changes of questionnaires ICS. Average duration of supervision has made 4 months (a range: 2-7 months).

Results and Discussion: The analysis of results of the treatment was estimated according to stationary urodynamic monitoring, and also on changes of questionnaires ICS. Improvement of the general condition have noted 12 (80,0%) patients (ICS). The best results are noted at patients with kept bladder function, at 8 (53,3%) patients are noted considerable reduction of iritative symptoms, on the average to 76%. No adverse effects have been registered.

Conclusions: Application of BoNTA at patients with OVB, can be regarded as effective and safe therapy. Introduction of BoNTA in algorithm of treatment of patients with OVB is a perspective and necessary modern method in an arsenal of urologists.

KEYWORDS: Botulotoxin type A, BoNTA, overactive bladder, OVB