Testicular Cancer
Risk factors for loss to follow-up during active surveillance of patients with Stage I seminoma - Abstract
March 5, 2014
The rise of testicular germ cell tumours: The search for causes, risk factors and novel therapeutic targets - Abstract
March 4, 2014
Clinical profile, treatment and survival outcome of testicular tumors: A Pakistani perspective - Abstract
March 1, 2014
Seminona of stage I: Strategies compared - Abstract
February 28, 2014
Inhibin B concentration is predictive for long-term azoospermia in men treated for testicular cancer - Abstract
February 26, 2014
Clinical outcomes for local and metastatic testicular sex cord-stromal tumors - Abstract
February 25, 2014
Re-operative retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for metastatic germ cell tumors: Analysis of local recurrence and predictors of survival - Abstract
February 24, 2014
Testicular microlithiasis an ultrasound dilemma: Survey of opinions regarding significance and management amongst UK ultrasound practitioners - Abstract
February 20, 2014
Cutaneous metastasis from testicular germ cell tumour - Abstract
February 19, 2014
Testicular self-examination amongst genitourinary medicine clinic attendees - Abstract
February 18, 2014
Multiple coronary thrombi with cisplatin - Abstract
February 14, 2014
CCAFU Recommendations 2013: Testicular germ cell cancer - Abstract
February 13, 2014
Mixed germ cell tumour after testotoxicosis - Abstract
February 11, 2014
Initial management of testicular cancer: Practice survey among urologists and pathologists - Abstract
February 11, 2014