Transition zone (TZ) prostatic adenocarcinoma can be identified on needle core biopsy based on tumour morphology, provided that the sample is preserved in a glutaraldehyde based tissue fixative. TZ tumours have a propensity to grow larger than their peripheral counterparts without extraprostatic extension and finally to escape the gland by invading the bladder neck. We investigated the value of biopsy determined parameters including TZ origin to predict the risk of isolated bladder neck invasion (IBNI) at radical prostatectomy (RP). If reliable, this will enable urologists to expand their bladder neck dissection and avoid an isolated positive bladder neck margin (IPBNM). The study cohort consisted of 3942 patients with detailed pre-operative biopsy information who underwent curative intent radical prostatectomy between January 2010 and December 2015 in Western Australia. Multivariate logistic regression models were developed to predict IBNI or IPBNM. A predictive preoperative nomogram is presented. The predictive accuracy is shown in the calibration plot (the area under the curve: 0.777). The accuracy of the nomogram is dependent on the biopsy identification of transition zone cancer features, parameters only reliably interpretable after glutaraldehyde tissue fixation.
Human pathology. 2016 Jul 26 [Epub ahead of print]
Ronald J Cohen, Jian Li, Thomas Shannon
Uropath Pty Ltd, 2/47 Oxford Close, West Leederville, WA, 6007, Australia; School of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA, 6009, Australia., Uropath Pty Ltd, 2/47 Oxford Close, West Leederville, WA, 6007, Australia., Hollywood Specialist Centre, 95 Monash Avenue, Nedlands, WA, 6009, Australia.