Despite optimised diagnosis and treatment, prostate cancer can only be cured in a specific subset of patients. Advanced prostate cancer may lead to complications that severely impair the patient's quality of life, e. g. recurrent intravesical blood clotting due to local tumor necrosis. We report the successful use of the homeopathic remedy Thlaspi bursa pastoris in 2 patients for whom conventional treatment was not sufficiently effective. These case reports imply that complementary or alternative medical treatment may be an efficient adjunctive treatment in patients with advanced prostate cancer.
Aktuelle Urologie. 2016 Jul 05 [Epub ahead of print]
J Pannek, S Pannek-Rademacher
Neuro-Urologie, Schweizer Paraplegiker-Zentrum, Nottwil, Schweiz., Homöopathie-Pannek, Basel, Schweiz.