The aim of the present research is to answer the question as to whether the literature published on low-dose-rate interstitial brachytherapy (BT) in localized prostate cancer since the search conducted for the original final report N04-02 results in a change in the conclusions of the final report for the individual procedures to be analysed.
(The search for and assessment of the new literature was to follow the same methodology used in the original report.) This aim includes the aims stated in final report N04-02 (citation): the aim of the research is the comparative benefit assessment of low-dose-rate (permanent) interstitial BT in localized prostate cancer versus the surgical standard procedure (radical prostatectomy, RP), external beam radiotherapy (EBRT), and active surveillance / watchful waiting. The focus of the evaluation was on patient-relevant therapy goals. Moreover, substantially different types of low-dose-rate interstitial BT procedures were to be compared with each other.
Reference: Executive summary of final report N10-01, Version 1.0
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 23101084 Prostate Cancer Section