The purpose of this study was to determine if a particular set of health behaviors of health care providers and African American men (AAM) influence patient satisfaction from the AAM's perspective.
This descriptive, correlational study consisted of 505 AAM in North Carolina diagnosed with prostate cancer and enrolled in the North Carolina-Louisiana Prostate Cancer Project (PCaP). Analyses consisted of bivariate analyses and multiple regression. Patient-to-provider communication, interpersonal treatment, and provider-to-patient communication accounted for 45% (p ≤ .0001) of the variability in patient satisfaction. Interpersonal treatment (provider focusing on the patient) explained the greatest amount (F = 313.53, R 2 = .39) of patient satisfaction. Since interpersonal treatment focuses on the patient and demonstrated to be the strongest predictor in patient satisfaction, it is noteworthy to consider the emphasis that should be placed on patient-centered care. In addition, knowing important variables positively affecting patient satisfaction provides useful information for developing appropriate interventions to improve AAM health care experiences.
Written by:
Moore AD, Hamilton JB, Knafl GJ, Godley PA, Carpenter WR, Bensen JT, Mohler JL, Mishel M. Are you the author?
1U.S Army, Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu, HI.
Reference: Am J Mens Health. 2012 Sep;6(5):409-19.
doi: 10.1177/1557988312443695
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 22833311 Prostate Cancer Section