To explore the personal factors related to modifiable prostate cancer risk-reduction and detection behaviors among black men.
Three thousand four hundred thirty (3430) black men were surveyed and structural equation modeling employed to test study hypotheses.
Modifiable prostate cancer risk-reduction behavior was found to be influenced by perceived severity, cues to action, knowledge, and behavioral control. Prostate cancer detection behavior was determined by perceived susceptibility, attitude, perceived behavioral control, knowledge, and acculturation.
The confirmed associations underscore the importance of cognitive-behavioral factors in the promotion of CaP risk-reduction behavior as well as early detection among black men.
Written by:
Odedina FT, Scrivens JJ Jr, Larose-Pierre M, Emanuel F, Adams AD, Dagne GA, Pressey SA, Odedina O. Are you the author?
Reference: Am J Health Behav. 2011 Jul;35(4):470-84.
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 22040593 Prostate Cancer Section