Divisions of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, City of Hope, Duarte, CA, USA.
In this prospective, longitudinal study the authors examined changes in cognitive, emotional, and interpersonal components of prostate cancer-related quality of life in 71 men who underwent robotic-assisted prostatectomy for prostate cancer. They identified significant changes across several quality-of-life domains from presurgery to 3-months and 1-year postsurgery. Although some components of quality of life returned to baseline by one year postsurgery, decrements in sexual intimacy, sexual confidence, and masculine self-esteem were enduring. These data can be used to guide patients in their expectations for quality of life following robotic prostatectomy and highlight the need for multidisciplinary approaches aimed at improving men's sexual adjustment after this procedure.
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Thornton AA, Perez MA, Oh S, Crocitto L. Are you the author?
Reference: J Psychosoc Oncol. 2011 Mar;29(2):157-67.
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 21391068
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