Intraductal Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate With Cribriform or Papillary Ductal Morphology: Rare Biopsy Cases Lacking Associated Invasive High-grade Carcinoma.

Prostatic duct adenocarcinoma, characterized by pseudostratified columnar epithelium, has historically been considered invasive carcinoma, although it may commonly have an intraductal component. Usual (acinar) intraductal carcinoma of the prostate (IDC-P) is a noninvasive high-risk lesion typically associated with high-grade, high-stage prostate cancer. Whereas there have been rare biopsy studies of pure acinar IDC-P or IDC-P associated with only low-grade carcinoma, there have been no analogous series of IDC-P with cribriform or papillary ductal morphology on biopsy unassociated with invasive high-grade carcinoma. We identified 14 patients with biopsies showing IDC-P with ductal morphology, defined as prostatic duct adenocarcinoma confined to glands/ducts with immunohistochemically proven retention of basal cells. Our series includes 12 patients with pure IDC-P and 2 patients with concurrent low-volume Grade Group 1 invasive cancer in unassociated cores. Three patients underwent radical prostatectomy: 2/3 had high-grade cancer in their resection specimen (Grade Group 3, Grade Group 5), including 1 with advanced stage and nodal metastases; 1/3 had Grade Group 1 organ-confined carcinoma and spatially distinct IDC-P with ductal morphology. Five men had only follow-up biopsies: 2/5 had cancer (Grade Group 2, Grade Group 4); 1/5 had IDC-P (on 2 repeat biopsies); and 2/5 had benign transurethral resection of the prostate. In all 5 cases with invasive cancer, the invasive portion was comprised purely of acinar morphology; no invasive ductal component was identified. Five patients did not have follow-up biopsies and were treated with radiation therapy±androgen deprivation. One patient had no follow-up information. In an analogous situation to acinar IDC-P, we propose that rarely there is a precursor form of ductal adenocarcinoma that can exist without concurrent invasive high-grade carcinoma and propose the term "IDC-P with ductal morphology," consistent with the terminology for acinar prostate adenocarcinoma. Until more evidence is accumulated, we recommend reporting and treating patients with IDC-P with ductal morphology in a manner analogous to those with acinar IDC-P. As with pure IDC-P with acinar morphology, we would also recommend not grading pure IDC-P with ductal morphology. Finally, we propose a new addition to the diagnostic criteria of IDC-P to include intraductal lesions with ductal morphology consisting of papillary fronds or cribriform lesions lined by cytologically atypical pseudostratified epithelium.

The American journal of surgical pathology. 2021 Oct 07 [Epub ahead of print]

Daniel H Russell, Jonathan I Epstein

Departments of Pathology Urology Oncology, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD.