#WCE2014 - Patients undergoing ureteroscopic lithotripsy may be excellent single session SWL candidates based upon triple D score - Interview
September 5, 2014
#WCE2014 - How a donor nephrectomy population can help clarify warm renal ischemia effects during partial nephrectomy - Interview
September 5, 2014
#WCE2014 - Acute bleeding requiring re-operation in minimally invasive urologic surgery - Interview
September 5, 2014
#WCE2014 - Co-targeting of NFkB and survivin by YM155 results in profound in vitro growth inhibition of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) - Interview
September 5, 2014
#WCE2014 - Ultra low dose CT-KUB to detect kidney stones with 50% less radiation: Is the plain radiograph obsolete? - Session Highlights
September 4, 2014