On ZERO Cancer Day, ZERO’s social media channels will feature live-streamed interviews with patients, survivors, caregivers, and doctors, plus interactive demonstrations, fundraising contests, and exciting updates. Announcements include information about the upcoming Bold for Blue Impact Awards,2 a caregiver mentee program set to launch in 2020, and more.
Tune into ZERO Cancer Day live on September 24 starting at 9 a.m. EDT on ZERO’s Facebook page. Visit facebook.com/zerocancer for more information.“The ZERO community is thrilled to have a day to rally around all the activism and progress that patients, survivors, and families are making every day,” said ZERO CEO Jamie Bearse.“Too often this disease is shrouded in darkness and despair. On ZERO Cancer Day, we offer positivity to all those affected by prostate cancer.” ZERO Cancer Day aims to bring awareness to prostate cancer during Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. The daylong event will showcase the lifechanging impact of ZERO’s patient programs, and raise funds to help end prostate cancer. Any donation received on ZERO Cancer Day will be tripled thanks to a generous match.
“Too many men are being lost to this deadly disease,” said Laurel Philibin,3 a Virginia-based nurse who lost her husband John to prostate cancer almost one year ago. “The best line of defense is getting tested. On ZERO Cancer Day, a family is counting on us to donate so that their loved one will be here for years to come. Catching prostate cancer early is critical to a man’s health, and the best way to do that is through testing.”
ZERO Cancer Day was inspired by the urgency and necessity of ending prostate cancer, as 1 in 9 men will develop prostate cancer during their lifetime.4 The day is intended to become an annual event on the last Tuesday of every September to further enhance Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.
ZERO Cancer Day was inspired by the urgency and necessity of ending prostate cancer, as 1 in 9 men will develop prostate cancer during their lifetime.4 The day is intended to become an annual event on the last Tuesday of every September to further enhance Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.
Awareness day aims to raise funds for patient support by matching donations threefold
1. Ezez. 2019. "Home | ZERO - The End of Prostate Cancer". ZERO - The End of Prostate Cancer. https://zerocancer.org/.
2. Ezez. 2019. "Bold for Blue Awards". ZERO - The End of Prostate Cancer. https://zerocancer.org/fight/fundraise/bold-for-blue-awards/.
3. Ezez. 2019. "Laurel Philibin's Journey to ZERO". YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=kMCv7aRxHr8.
4. Ezez. 2019. "Prostate Cancer Facts and Statistics". ZERO - The End of Prostate Cancer. https://zerocancer.org/learn/about-prostate-cancer/facts-statistics/.
Further Related Content:
Read: 24 Events in 36 Days: ZERO Goes Coast-to-Coast for Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
Read: A Million Faces: What Prostate Cancer Awareness Means to Me, Blog by Alicia Morgans, MD, MPH