SIU Congress 2016: Is there a good risk muscle invasive bladder cancer? Risk factors associated with understaging - Session Highlights
October 22, 2016
SIU Congress 2016: Is there a good risk muscle invasive bladder cancer? Cross sectional and functional imaging with PET for staging - Session Highlights
October 22, 2016
SIU Congress 2016: New therapies and diagnoses in bladder cancer: changing landscape of systemic therapy - Session Highlights
October 21, 2016
SIU Congress 2016: New therapies and diagnoses in bladder cancer: Emerging strategies in treatment of BCG unresponsive NMIBC - Session Highlights
October 21, 2016
SIU Congress 2016: : Focal therapy for prostate cancer EXPERT REVIEW - Session Highlights
October 21, 2016
SIU Congress 2016: Shifting Sands: Testicular cancer: Indication for organ-sparing surgery in testicular lesions - Session Highlights
October 21, 2016
SIU Congress 2016: Debate: T2 and T3a bladder cancer: neoadjuvant chemotherapy should be standard - Session Highlights
October 21, 2016
SIU Congress 2016: Using pathway analysis and metabolic signature to predict survival in MIBC - Session Highlights
October 21, 2016
SIU Congress 2016: Immunotherapy for advanced urothelial cancer - Session Highlights
October 21, 2016
SIU Congress 2016: Urothelial cancer: Controversies in the management of urethral cancer - Session Highlights
October 21, 2016
SIU Congress 2016: Chemotherapy should precede AR targeted agents for castrate-resistant metastatic disease in young patients - Session Highlights
October 21, 2016
SIU Congress 2016: Kidney Cancer, SRMs treatment should be managed with surgical excision - Session Highlights
October 20, 2016