Pelvic Prolapse
Regeneration of native-like neo-urinary tissue from non-bladder cell sources - Abstract
January 10, 2012
An outcomes analysis of over 200 revision surgeries for penile prosthesis implantation: A multicenter study - Abstract
January 6, 2012
Uni- and bilateral pedicled muscular gracilis flaps for reconstruction of the scrotum in Fournier's gangrene - Abstract
December 13, 2011
Do we need meshes in pelvic floor reconstruction - Abstract
December 8, 2011
The Altemeier procedure using biologic mesh - Abstract
December 6, 2011
Urethral erosion: a case for prevention - Abstract
December 6, 2011
What's new in urethroplasty? - Abstract
September 30, 2011
Complete urethral duplication: Description of surgical approach mimicking distal epispadias repair - Abstract
September 28, 2011
Effectiveness of medical treatment in overcoming the ureteral double-J stent related symptoms - Abstract
September 27, 2011
BJUI Mini Reviews - Management of the bladder in traumatic injuries of the spinal cord during the First World War and its implications for the current practice of urology
September 19, 2011
A new technique for retrograde flexible ureteroscopy after Cohen Cross-Trigonal ureteral reimplantation - Abstract
September 8, 2011
Robotics for pelvic reconstruction - Abstract
September 6, 2011
Long-term outcomes of augmentation ileocystoplasty in patients with spinal cord injury: A minimum 10-year follow-up - Abstract
August 30, 2011
Urinary tract injures: Recognition and management - Abstract
August 22, 2011