Interstitial Cystitis
AUA 2011 - Activation of cannabinoid receptor 2 inhibits experimental cystitis - Session Highlights
May 17, 2011
AUA 2011 - Demographics and clinical characteristics of the RICE IC/BPS cohort - Session Highlights
May 17, 2011
AUA guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome - Abstract
May 10, 2011
Interstitial cystitis is associated with vulvodynia and sexual dysfunction-a case-control study - Abstract
May 2, 2011
Influence of smoking, coffee, and tea consumption on bladder pain syndrome in female twins - Abstract
April 29, 2011
Proof of concept trial of tanezumab for the treatment of symptoms associated with interstitial cystitis - Abstract
April 28, 2011
Long-term efficacy and tolerability of pentosan polysulphate sodium in the treatment of bladder pain syndrome - Abstract
April 19, 2011
Editor's Commentary - The effect of acute increase in urge to void on cognitive function in healthy adults
April 12, 2011