Collagenase Clostridium histolyticum in the Treatment of Peyronie's Disease-A Review of the Literature and a New Modified Protocol

Peyronie's disease (PD) is a common condition that results in penile deformity, which makes sexual intercourse difficult or impossible, and causes psychological, emotional, and relationship difficulties for the man affected and his partner. Collagenase Clostridium histolyticum (CCH; Xiapex, Xiaflex) is the first licensed non-surgical treatment option for PD. The safety and efficacy have been demonstrated in two large phase III randomized controlled trials (IMPRESS I and IMPRESS II).

To review the safety and efficacy of CCH and to introduce a new shortened modified protocol for CCH that was developed by the authors to decrease the cost and duration of treatment.

A review of the medical literature on CCH for inclusion in this review was obtained by searching the PubMed (from 1946) and Medline (from 1946) medical databases and from the screening of relevant bibliographies. The search terms Xiapex, Xiaflex, collagenase Clostridial histolyticum, and Peyronie's disease were used. Clinical trials in men with PD and scientific articles relating to pharmacologic data were included in the review. When possible, large, randomized, and well-designed trials were selected.

Changes in the angle of penile curvature and in the Peyronie's Disease Questionnaire domains.

The clinical trials demonstrate the safety and efficacy of CCH in the treatment of PD. The new modified protocol developed by the authors is as safe and effective as the protocol used in the clinical trials.

CCH is the first licensed non-surgical treatment for PD. Its safety and efficacy have been demonstrated in large well-designed clinical trials. The new shortened modified protocol decreases the cost and duration of the treatment without compromising the safety and efficacy of the drug. This alteration will allow more patients to benefit from CCH. Abdel Raheem A, Johnson M, Abdel-Raheem T, et al. Collagenase Clostridium histolyticum in the Treatment of Peyronie's Disease-A Review of the Literature and a New Modified Protocol. Sex Med Rev 2017;X:XXX-XXX.

Sexual medicine reviews. 2017 Sep 02 [Epub ahead of print]

Amr Abdel Raheem, Mark Johnson, Tarek Abdel-Raheem, Marco Capece, David Ralph

Andrology Department, The Institute of Urology and University College London Hospital, London, UK; Andrology Department, Cairo University Hospital, Cairo, Egypt. Electronic address: ., Andrology Department, The Institute of Urology and University College London Hospital, London, UK.