WCE 2017: Ethnicity and Family History Impact Age of Onset and Number of Episodes for Urolithiasis: A Prospective Cohort Study from ReSKU 

Vancouver, Canada (UroToday.com) Kazumi Taguchi, research fellow at University of California – San Francisco, presented data to evaluate the association between detailed family history (FMH) and clinical outcomes of urolithiasis. The purpose of this study was to perform a multivariate analysis of the relationship between detailed FMH and stone outcomes.  

For this prospective evaluation, the Registry for Stones of the Kidney and Ureter (ReSKU) was used. Research personnel obtained a detailed FMH (parents, children, siblings, grandparents, uncles/aunts), presenting symptoms and medical history.  

Nearly 600 patients were enrolled, with 34.4% of the entire population having a FMH of nephrolithiasis. Of the 34.4%, 79% of patients where White, 13% were Asian, 6% were Hispanic/Latin, and 2% were Black. 61.8% of these patients had a first degree family history, and 37% had a FMH of nephrolithiasis on the paternal side of their family. Overall, White ethnicity was associated with a larger number of previous stone episodes and a younger age of onset for the first stone episode.  

Dr. Taguchi concluded that a family history of nephrolithiasis was associated with recurrence, bilaterally, number of episodes and interval stone events. Both the presence of a FMH of stone disease and the number of family members with a history of stone disease may result in the significance of clinical presentation. Dr. Taguchi added that further studies are needed to determine predictive value for high-risk stone patients. The results from this study could aid urologists in better understanding the relationship between patient background and clinical features of urolithiasis. 

Presented by: Kazumi Taguchi

Authors: Kazumi Taguchi, David Tzou, Manint Usawachintachit, Benjamin Sherer, Marshall Stoller, and Thomas Chi 
Affiliations: University of California, San Francisco

Written by: Taylor Capretz, Department of Urology, University of California-Irvine at 35th World Congress of Endourology – September 12-16, 2017, Vancouver, Canada