TAT-10: A Novel Micro-Actinium225-Bismuth212 Biomedical Generator System

Kanazawa, Japan (UroToday.com) A micro-fluidic “lab-on-a-chip” was described for the separation of Bi213. Miniturization has certain advantage such as efficient use of reagents and minimizing radioactivity exposure to workers even while producing enough Bi213 for individual patient injection or lab studies.

In conventional systems a BioRad MP50 cation-exchange resin in a chromatographic column is used to produce Bi213. In this study a micro-fluidic device is loaded with the same MP50 (50-70 microns) an of total volume 10-100 microliters. When loaded with microCi to mCi of Ac225, Bi213 could be extracted with a yield of ~75% with a breakthrough Ac225 contamination of ~0.002%. Future work will investigate the on-chip labeling and separation of labeled antibody from free Bi213.

Presented By: Sandra M. Davern from Nuclear Security and Isotope Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN

Written By: William Carithers, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

at the 10th International Symposium on Targeted Alpha Therapy (TAT-10)  May 31 - June 1, 2017 - Kanazawa, Japan.