#WCE2014 - Systematic review of prostate cancer risk and association with consumption of fish and fish-oils: Analysis of 495,321 participants - Interview

TAIPEI, TAIWAN (UroToday.com) - Introduction and Objectives: The role of fish-oils in inflammation entails potential role in inhibiting carcinogenesis and favourable outcomes for cancer symptoms. This systematic analysis of the literature aims to review current evidence for the role of dietary-fish and fish-oil intake in prostate-cancer (PC) risk, aggression and mortality.

wceMethods: A systematic-review of studies exploring evidence for PC-risk, aggression and mortality associated with dietary-fish and fish-oil intake was conducted through PubMed, MEDLINE and Embase. Outcome-measures of PC-risk, aggression and mortality were extracted for analysis.

Results: 495 321 (37-studies) participants were investigated. These revealed various relationships regarding PC-risk (n = 31), aggression (n = 8) and mortality (n = 3). Ten studies considering PC-risk found some significant inverse trend related to fish or fish-oil intake. One found a dose-response relationship whereas greater intake of long-chain-polyunsaturated- fatty acids increased risk of PC when considering crude odds-ratios (p = 0.014). Three studies addressing cancer aggression identified a significant relationship with reduced risk of aggressive disease. This applied when considering the greatest intake of total fish (OR 0.56 (95% CI 0.37–0.86)), dark fish and shellfish meat (p < 0.0001), EPA (p = 0.03) and DHA (p = 0.04). Three studies investigating fish-consumption and PC-mortality identified a significantly reduced risk. Multivariate-OR (95% CI) were 0.9 (0.6–1.7), 0.12 (0.05–0.32) and 0.52 (0.30–0.91) at the highest measured fish- intake.

Conclusions: Fish and fish-oil do not show a consistent role in reducing PC incidence, aggression and mortality. Results suggest that type of fish consumed and fish-oil ratio are significant considerations. Findings demonstrate potential for incorporating awareness of fish and fish oil consumption into public health campaigns for primary and secondary prevention.

Source of Funding: None

Listen to an interview with one of the study participants.


Presented by Catherine Lovegrove, Ben Challacombe, M Shamim Khan, Rick Popert, and Prokar Dasgupta at the 32nd World Congress of Endourology & SWL - September 3 - 7, 2014 - Taipei, Taiwan

Guy’s Hospital, London, England