We hope you will enjoy this special commemorative section of the Journal of Andrology's final issue.
It opens with an article written by all previous and current Editors-in-Chief to provide highlights of the journal's history for each editorship, and thereby show how the field and the journal progressed over time. We tried to convey our collective perspectives on the editors' roles in building an outstanding journal and working with authors to ensure scientific credibility and integrity. Next, we provide a series of mini-reviews selected to represent some "hot button" research areas, which have emerged in both the basic science and clinical practice of andrology during the lifespan of the Journal of Andrology, and which we expect to continue to motivate research in the future. We invited several notables of the American Society of Andrology to write about them. Rather than exhaustive reviews, we asked these scientists to capture the major breakthroughs made to date in addressing the area, using a limited number of seminal references, and then to pose critical unanswered questions that await andrologists to resolve in the future. These reviews span the field to include: the principles of genetics in male fertility, the scope of study of spermatogonia, the role of reactive oxygen species in sperm function, the evolution of erectile dysfunction management, and the scientific nexus of aging and declining testosterone. Finally, we invited Marvin Meistrich, chair of ASA's Publications Committee, and Douglas Carrell, North American co-editor of Andrology, to combine in relating the story of how the Journal of Andrology and the International Journal of Andrology have come together and introducing the visions and goals for our new bigger and better journal.
Written by:
Burnett AL, Perreault SD, Sandlow J. Are you the author?
Reference: J Androl. 2012 Aug 9. Epub ahead of print.
doi: 10.2164/jandrol.112.017509
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 22879532
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