At the University of Maryland, simultaneous removal of PK and transplanting a new kidney is performed using 3 surgical teams (a laparoscopic surgeon performs donor nephrectomy, urologist removes PK and a transplant surgeon implants new kidney. Dr. Patrick Luke countered with a convincing argument that nephrectomy of PKs and transplantation of a new kidney does not always belong together but should be done as staged procedures. He noted that significant blood loss is the operative challenge when doing these 2 procedures together. While staged procedures have been the standard and are feasible, there is no evidence that it is a superior method. Doing the 2 procedures at the same time can lead to higher transfusion rate and graft torsion risk. He concluded that simultaneous approach may be preferable in “straightforward" cases but sequential approach should be done in predictably difficult cases.
Panelists: Michael Phelan (concomitant) and Patrick Luke (Staged)
Moderated by Vankatesh Krishnamurthi at the American Urological Association (AUA) Annual Meeting - May 14 - 19, 2011 - Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC USA
Reported for UroToday by Diane K. Newman, RNC, MSN, CRNP, FAAN and Continence Nurse Practitioner Specialist - University of Pennsylvania Medical Center.

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