Abdominal compartimental syndrome as a complication of Fournier's gangrene - Abstract

Università degli Studi di Perugia, Azienda Ospedaliera S. Maria di Terni, Clinica Chirurgica Generale e d'Urgenza.


Analyzing a complex case and referring to the literature, the authors describe abdominal compartmental syndrome as a complication of Fournier's gangrene, stressing out the importance of an early diagnosis to perform prompt and effective treatment. The characteristic of this case is not represented only by the Fournier's gangrene rarity, but also by the appearance of an abdominal compartmental syndrome due to the gangrene extension from the scrotum to the abdominal wall and cavity through the spermatic funiculus. The treatment of the abdominal compartmental syndrome was the surgical toilette of the necrotic regions (scrotum, abdominal wall and cavity) together with an orchiectomy.

Article in Italian.

Written by:
Cattorini L, Cirocchi R, Spizzirri A, Morelli U, De Sol A, Napolitano V, La Mura F, Locci E, Coccetta M, Mecarelli V, Giustozzi G, Sciannameo F.   Are you the author?

Reference: G Chir. 2009 Apr;30(4):148-52.

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 19419615

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